"The Red Stockade"subtitled "A Story Told by the Old Coast-Guard" is a short story by Bram Stoker. It was first published in the US, along with six illustrations by F. Lix, in the September 1894 issue of The Cosmopolitan: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine Company, New York. It was first published in the UK, along with two illustrations by Bernard Higham, in the May 1895 issue of The London Home Monthly, Horace Cox, London, edited by Ralph Caine, the younger brother of Stoker's friend Hall Caine.The Cosmopolitan (periodical) Book publication "The Red Stockade: A Story Told by the Old Coast-Guard" was first published in book form under the shortened title "The Red Stockade" in 1990 in the short story collection Midnight Tales, William Kimber, London. Availability This short story is available as a: It can also be purchased online in a short story collection in: The short story by itself can purchased online in: Magazine images
The Cosmopolitan, New York, September 1894
The London Home Monthly, London, May 1895 |